سیدرضا هادیان فر، مترجم  رسمی و مدرس زبان انگلیسی
سیدرضا هادیان فر، مترجم  رسمی و مدرس زبان انگلیسی

سیدرضا هادیان فر، مترجم رسمی و مدرس زبان انگلیسی

ترجمه مکالمات دشوار فیلمهای زبان اصلی


1- I'd be obliged if you'd treat this matter as strictly confidential

خوشحال میشوم اگر با این موضوع به گونه کاملا محرمانه برخورد کنید.


I'd be obliged if: used to make a polite request

2- Do you remember a while back there was this horrible video going around?

آیا یادت میاد یک وقتهائی قبلا این فیلم ترسناک هی دست به دست میشد؟


going around: If something is going around it is being passed from person to person or from place to place.

3- I have, umm, the image of that is burned in my memory, no pun intended

تصویر اون کاملا تو ذهنم حک شده، جدی میگم.


No pun intended: used to show you do not mean to make a joke about something

4- Her son didn't reply, but she could see her words had hit home.

پسرش جوابی نداد ولی اون (مادر) میتونست بفهمه که حرفاش موثر واقع شده.


If something hits home for you, it means that caused you to realize and understand it.

5- What happened to the poor guy? But I think it serves him right

سر او مرد فقیر چی اومد؟ ولی فکر میکنم حقش بود.


it serves him right: If you say it serves somebody right, it means that you think the person deserved what happened.

6- How can we put this delicately?

چطور میتوانیم  این مطلب را خوب بیان کنیم؟ (مثلا حرف زشتی را تندی است و لازم است بیان شود).


Put this delicately: To put something delicately means to say something unpleasant or rude in a way that will not be offensive

7- Yes, I think so, but they’re few and far between because so few people like to act that way.

بله ، من هم نظرم همینه ولی اینجور افراد هم کم اند و هم بینشان خیلی فاصله است زیرا افراد بسیار کمی دوست دارند اونجوری رفتار کنند.


They’re few and far between : To be few and far between means that something is scarce. Literally, there are few of them and they are separated by a lot of time or distance or both.

8- I want to behave that way because Ithink it implies a value judgment.

میخواهم اون جوری رفتار کنم چون فکر میکنم باعث قضاوت خوبی (در مورد من) میشود.

9- I like old movies. Somehow the 70s is a little bit more back to a fuller figure

من فیلمهای قدمی را دوست دارم. یکجورائی (فیلمسازان) فیلمهای دهه 1970 دوباره کمی بیشتر سراغ هیکلهای چاقتر رفته اند. (از هنر پیشه های فربه تر استفاده کرده اند).

10- I was a really, really early and really eager young reader. I would read anything I could get my hands on.

من یک واقعا خوانندۀ (کتاب و امثال آن) جوان مشتاق هستم و از همان کوچکی هم میخواندم. من هرچه که به دستم برسد میخوانم.

11- And the hero is a fantastic chisel-jawed, rugged-looking guy.

اون قهرمان، به طرز عجیبی یک مرد خوش تیپ و تنومندی (چوب خورده) است.


Chiseled features/chin/mouth/nose etc: if a man has chiseled features, his chin, mouth, nose etc have a strong clear shape

Rugged: a man who is rugged is good-looking and has strong features which are often not perfect

12- But I think that it’s all down to luck

ولی من فکر میکنم که اون همش بخاطر شانسه.

مثالی دیگر:

13: Put it down to bad luck

اینو بزار به حساب بد شانسی

14: The idiot man can't decide what to do. He always flips a coin and sees whether it is heads or tails. 

اون مرد احمق اصلا نمیتونه تصمیم بگیره که چکار کنه. او همیشه یک سکه میندازه هوا تا ببینه شیر میاد یا خط.


Heads or tails: The two sides of a coin are called the “head” (front side) and the “tail” (back side).

15: And I think — just to do right by my own country —I have to kill you.

فکر میکنم فقط برای اینکه به کشور خودم خدمتی کرده باشم باید تو را بکشم.


To do right by my own country: If you do right by somebody or something, it means that you do the right thing for them, to treat them well or do something that is good for them.

16: You blast that song so loud. Like, over and over and over again. Every weekend. And it drives me crazy

تو او صدای اون سرود را خیلی بلند میکنی همیشه و همیشه و باز دوباره . اونهم هر هفته و این خیلی منو عصبانی میکنه.


To blast something means (in this case) to play audio at very high volume.

17: we wouldn’t have got away with it.

ما نمیتونیم ازش قسر در بریم (گیر میافتیم).


got away with: If you get away with something, it means that you do something you aren’t allowed to do and nobody catches you

18: always focused on the work, and always a very short deadline with a lot of work to do

من همیشه حواسمو جمع کارم میکن. و همیشه کلی کار دارم که باید انجام بدهم با وقت کم.


short deadline: Deadlines can be long or short. A long deadline means that you have a lot of time to get your task done. A short deadline means that you have little time

19: I mean, you don’t want people goofing off all the time on company time but I think, you know, a few, a half an hour here and there with people having some fun, that in the long run you’d have more productive and happy employees.

من خوب میدونم تو نمیخوای که مردم دم به دم تو شرکت از کار طفره برن و فکر میکنم تو خوب میدونی که مقداری، نیم ساعت اگر اینجا و اونجا با مردم خوش مشربی کنی در دراز مدت کارمندانی شاد و پر ثمر خواهی داشت.


goof off: If you are goofing off (or goofing around) at work you are avoiding work and just doing silly or amusing things


in the long run: at a time far away in the future

20: Let him through

بگذارید بیاد (جا باز کنید که بتواند بیاید).

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